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RST 117-91
RST 117-91
Knitted cleaning napkins. Technical conditions. To replace РСТ 117-80
RST 133-91
RST 133-91
Photographic cameras, repaired to orders of population. General technical conditions.
RST 150-91
RST 150-91
Underwear, made to orders of population. General technical conditions. To replace 150-81 and РСТ 137-81
RST 169-91
RST 169-91
Services of photo-studio and photo-laboratories. General technical conditions.
RST 173-91
RST 173-91
Repaired footwear. General technical conditions. To replace РСТ 173-81
RST 183-91
RST 183-91
Semi-silk fabric "Beqasab". General technical conditions. To replace РСТ 183-81
RST 185-91
RST 185-91
Knitwear, made to population orders. General technical conditions, To replace РСТ 185-87
RST 189-91
RST 189-91
Cotton wool goods, made to population orders. Technical conditions.
RST 201-91
RST 201-91
Carpet goods from fents. General technical conditions.
RST 202-91
RST 202-91
Umbrellas, repaired to individual order. Technical conditions.
RST 422-91
RST 422-91
Sewing goods for household use from industrial waste. General technical conditions. To replace РСТ 422-82
RST 428-91
RST 428-91
Canned meat "Nahudshurak". Technical conditions.
RST 429-91
RST 429-91
Canned meat "Gushtkima" (minced meat). Technical conditions. To replace РСТ 429-76
RST 501-91
RST 501-91
Making-up of fur clothing and details of clothing, General technical conditions.
RST 57-91
RST 57-91
household furniture, repaired to population orders. General technical specifications. To replace РСТ 57-81
RST 60-91
RST 60-91
Dushanbe kazy-sausage/ Technical specifications. To replace РСТ 60-86
RST 703-91
RST 703-91
Soap stock. Technical specifications.
RST 726-91
RST 726-91
Canned meat-vegetable products "Shurbo" (soup). Technical specifications.
RST 727-91
RST 727-91
Canned meat. Assorted sub-products. Technical specifications.
RST 72-91
RST 72-91
Metallic goods for household use, made to population orders. General technical specification.

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